MINERVA Protein line韩国MINERVA(米诺瓦)蛋白线 > 제품소개

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MINERVA Protein line韩国MINERVA(米诺瓦)蛋白线





   Promote the microcirculation of local tissues, improve the ability of cell regeneration and tissue repair, skin moisture filling, skin color whole water run up, pigment precipitation improvement.

   Deep into the dermis, the PDO line branch as a cell growth stent, stimulate collagen and elastic fiber restructuring, the regeneration of connective tissue, thus sustained support, and restore elasticity of jade-like stone embellish skin tight, fine lines fade away.

   The PPDO line is used to construct a three-dimensional network, which can support the collapse of the subcutaneous tissue as a whole, and promote the blood circulation under the skin, and the skin is ruddy and glossy.

  Hold tightly to the root of skin looseness - SMAS fascia layer, deep tension, make the skin fully pull and fold, return to the original position of young state, the effect is natural, skin is not tight.

  By placing the PDO line as the artificial ligament, the loose ligament of the original ligament was solved, and the elasticity was gradually increased with time, and the youth was permanently fixed.

  The PDO line is used to pull up the SMAS layer, and the branch will hold the muscle layer together to carry out the pull and reset, so as to rejuvenate the whole young.



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