利宝特Lipo-lab溶脂針 > 제품소개

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Explanation – Features and Effects



The highest level of purity, 99.8%, brings fast results.


It protects against virus (smaller than cells) and ensures safe use.


Allowing you to selectively focus on problematic area(s) such as face, belly, arms, legs, etc.,


it promotes natural fat removal to reclaim the beauty.


All these put Lipo Lab PPC on the 1st place among the products used in the beauty shops in China.




The TOX5 ampoule, in combination with Lipo Lab PPC,


reduces the pain and enhances the firmness around the affected areas.


Explanation – How to use


Recommended amount per use: 30ml (up to three bottles of Lipo Lab PPC 10ml)


(Please avoid using more than 30ml per use to prevent side-effects)


1. Shake and mix the precipitated particles before use.


2. Prepare 2~3 bottles of Lipo Lab PPC and a 20~30ml.


3. For the abdomen and waist areas, inject 0.7~0.8㎖ of  Lipo Lab PPC to the target areas at 1.5cm intervals.




Apply repeatedly for better effects. Wait 15 days until the next application.


For the areas around the double chin, armpit, forearm, thigh, etc., use


0.2~0.5ml depending on the degree of obesity.


You can see visible changes after 30 days.








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